The Spurt Team is constantly striving towards bringing new features and updates. Have a look at what are they.



Newly added features in the solution



Enhancement of existing features in the solution



Solution debugged for the bugs and issues in the previous release

Version 5.1 Change Log Feb 2025

New Feature Introduced an Angular-based Storefront, providing businesses the flexibility to choose between Angular and Next.js based on their scalability and performance needs. Storefront
New Feature Sellers can now select their preferred time zone, ensuring timestamps for orders, reports, and notifications are displayed in their local time. Seller
Enhancement Buyers can upload images and videos in product reviews, making feedback more insightful and engaging. Storefront
Enhancement Introduced an industry hierarchy on top of existing categories, allowing Super Admins to define industry-specific categories for better marketplace organization. Admin
Enhancement The Angular Storefront is built with a dynamic and modular architecture, ensuring seamless user experiences and efficient handling of complex e-commerce workflows. Storefront
Fixed Addressed bug fixes and performance improvements across all modules. All

Version 5.0 Change Log Nov 2024

New Feature Sellers can offer buyer-specific and buyer group-specific pricing options, providing flexibility in pricing strategies. Seller
New Feature Customers as Guest Users will see general pricing, while logged-in users will see prices tailored to their individual or group-specific settings. Storefront
New Feature Sellers can configure their preferred language, time zone, and data format. Seller
New Feature Dynamic Data Translation for product titles, descriptions, category titles, category descriptions, variant names, and category-specific attributes into multiple languages. Storefront
New Feature Sellers can enable dynamic data translation for product titles, descriptions, category titles, category descriptions, variant names, and category-specific attributes. Seller
New Feature Multi-language support for localizing pages, page groups, and widgets. Admin
New Feature Blog and Blog Category Localization enabled for content and categories. Admin
New Feature Supplier Management feature with the ability to create supplier profiles and add multiple associated contacts. Seller
New Feature Bulk Import of products option for Sellers. Seller
Enhancement NextJS integration unleashed the full capabilities for a more performant Storefront with an improved look and feel and UI. Storefront
Enhancement Detailed Seller Verification implemented with a thorough process, including personal and business details, company registration, and tax information. Seller
Enhancement Streamlined onboarding process for Sellers with clear stages and visual indicators to guide them through the onboarding and approval process. Seller
Enhancement Empowering Sellers to provide a unique shopping experience by sharing detailed shop information, building trust, and establishing credibility. Seller
Enhancement Improved Quotation Management system allowing sellers to respond to buyer inquiries with customized offers and counteroffers. Seller
Fixed Regression issues and fixes addressed for existing workflows. All
Updated Seller Panel and Admin Panel migrated from Angular 13 to Angular 17, addressing security vulnerabilities and ensuring compatibility with the latest libraries and frameworks. Seller and Admin
Updated Improved code quality, maintainability, and efficiency through enhanced code standardization and reusability practices. All
Updated Further refined database normalization for optimal performance and data integrity. All

Version 4.8.4 Change Log Feb 2024

New Feature Introducing RTL Language Compatibility across all three UIs - Admin, Vendor and Storefront. All
New Feature Enhanced product presentation with Custom Attributes fields in offering varied display formats like free text, radio buttons, paragraphs, and dropdowns for a personalized touch. Admin
Enhancement Dynamic Currency Formatter to automatically adjusts currency display, including symbol, decimal places, and digit grouping, based on currency configuration in Admin Settings. All
Enhancement Have introduced new permission modules in roles and permission section for all the new features. Admin
Fixed Implemented a fix to ensure consistent and proper display of decimal points in prices across SpurtCommerce's admin, vendor, and store interfaces. All
Enhancement Efficiently export data for diverse Ecommerce Entities, including products, categories, orders, sales, attributes, and variants. Simplify your analysis and reporting with our comprehensive data export feature. Admin
New Feature Effortlessly manage your ecommerce data lifecycle. Seamlessly export diverse entities,import bulk data with flexible mapping, and enhance product data with on-the-fly creation of attributes and variants into master list, offering a comprehensive solution for efficient data management. Admin

Version 4.8.3 Change Log Dec 2023

Enhanced Spurtcommerce is now redefined with custom npm packages for modular efficiency and seamless deployment. All
Enhanced Solution now has the capability of docker deployment for consistent and efficient deployment process for enhancing overall system reliability. All
Enhanced Overall design enhancement in Vendor Panel. Vendor
Added A new feature for real-time image cropping is now available in the Vendor Panel. Vendor
Added Product QR code feature with scanning and accessing product's store URL for detailed information on product. Vendor & Admin

Version 4.8.2 Change Log Jun 2023

Fixed Regression bugs that were found during automation testing has been fixed. All
New Addon Real-time monitoring of customers adding items to their carts, enabling admins to track logged-in users' carts, and access data from both the current day with live cart updates and a month ago with abandoned cart records. Admin
New Addon Coupon management system moved from core to addon feature. All
Enhancement Have brought more filters for narrowing down product search based on attribute and variant addons. Storefront
New Feature Vendor Panel and Admin Panel - Vendors and Admin can chat through a window that is provided in their dashboard. Vendor & Admin
New Feature Multi-language feature for static content feature included in Admin and Vendor panels. Admin & Vendor
New Feature An option for admin to dynamically set up FB credentials from their admin settings. Admin
Fixed React Storefront - some discrepancies and variations found when compared to angular store has been fixed in order to bring uniformity. Storefront
New Feature Users can point out their current location to update address and this feature has been included in order to give a beginning point for hyper local marketplace feature. Storefront
Enhancement Google storage option for storing images and it is part of core system. All
Enhancement Price format to match international standards with country wise formats. Storefront
Enhancement Deprecated NPM has been removed and packages have been updated. Technology upgrade

Version 4.8.1 Change Log March 2023

Enhanced SEO enhancements in Angular Storefront. Storefront
Enhanced Category list navigation design enhancements. Storefront
Updated Dynamic display of widget names in the storefront with ability for the admin to configure the setting for display of widget. Admin
Updated Sign up removed on the top menu. It is part of sign in page with register now option. Storefront
Updated Bulk product upload in Admin through excel upload feature is extended for variant products as well. Admin
Enhanced Banner design of the vendor detail page has been enhanced. Storefront

Version 4.8 Change Log Dec 2022

Added Enabling of common product for common catalog Admin
Added Order fulfilment status adding and updating feature Admin
Added CRM menu in the Vendor panel that shows the details of the Customer that purchased and placed order Vendor
Added Viewing of common products enabled by Admin Vendor
Added Viewing of recently enabled common products by Admin Vendor
Added Updating price and stock for common products, to sell the same product Vendor Panel. Vendor
Fixed In Admin, when the total MRP for product in the product listing form is showing inclusive of taxes Admin
Fixed Overall and everywhere, on selecting a dropdown the screen was blinking and it is now fixed Admin
Fixed In roles and permission page, design issue is fixed Admin
Fixed In Vendor, when the total MRP for product in the product listing form is showing inclusive of taxes Vendor
Fixed After removing items from cart and then logging out, then again while logging in, the same cart items appear. Storefront
Fixed On clicking quick view, the category of the product was not showing and it is fixed now. Storefront
Updated Overall and everywhere, on no data in the page - no data found page is added Admin
Updated In filters, for price range, dropdown brought instead of radio button earlier Admin
Updated In place holders in filters, labels have been provided Admin
Updated All the design and UI have been updated as per the latest style guide, e.g., button, fonts and dropdown Admin
Updated Some of the success and failure toast messages that were not there earlier is now added Admin
Updated Eye icon for password viewing in login page Vendor
Updated Eye icon for change password Vendor
Updated Overall and everywhere, on no data in the page - no data found page is added Vendor

Version 4.7 Change Log Jan 2022

Added Bulk export and bulk delete option Admin
Added filtering the list page based on active and inactive coupons Admin
Added In Marketplace, enabling of Today's deals and Featured Products for Vendor Products Vendor
Added Number of star ratings list Storefront
Fixed In marketplace, under vendor product, the tax value was not capturing and this issue is fixed. Admin
Fixed In marketplace, under add product, the shipping values was not capturing and this issue is fixed. Admin
Fixed The product variants' min and max condition was not working and it has been fixed. Store
Updated The overall performance. Storefront
Updated Once the Variant has been mapped to a Vendor product, the variant cannot be deleted by Admin Admin
Updated The Category slug and Blog Slug has been brought in the create forms Admin
Updated List of Vendor Products in Vendor detail page. Admin
Updated Restricting the percentage to 100, if the coupon value has been chosen with percentage. Admin & Vendor
Updated No Internet page has been incorporated Overall

Version 4.6 Change Log Oct 2021

Added In product form, the enabling of quotation request has been added. Admin
Added Product video upload in product form has been added. Admin
Added Adding of tier price and attributes feature has been brought. Vendor
Added Updating inventory for vendor products has been brought. Vendor
Added Throughout the application, the drop-down field design has been changed to ng-select drop down. Vendor
Added In all the list page, the navigation from a particular page that leads to detail page, once clicked back, lands to the page from where it was clicked. Vendor
Added Through out the application, the search functionality has been changed and on clicking enter or search option, the search works. Vendor
Added Rating and Review management feature has been brought in vendor. Vendor
Added All export API integration has been brought in the product list pages. Vendor
Added Product video upload in product form has been added. Vendor
Added The Customers can view product video from the PDP (Product detail page). Store
Added On clicking view all in widget, will go to the detail page of that widget with mapped products. Store
Fixed Sales > Failed Order > Filter > Reset – Rest button was not working and it has been fixed now. Admin
Fixed Payments > List of Payments – filter mode of payments API integration has been updated. Admin
Fixed In Admin, under blogs, only a limited categories were showing in the drop down and now it is fixed and all categories show. Admin
Fixed In all the list page, on navigating to the detail page from a particular page of a list page, on clicking back, it comes back to the same page from where it was clicked. Admin
Fixed To support the decimal place in amount and discount of coupon issue has been implemented. Admin & Vendor
Fixed In product price and discount price, up to two decimal places can be given. Admin & Vendor
Fixed Throughout the application, the date picker is uniform. Admin
Fixed Roles and permissions issue has been fixed. Admin
Fixed Through out the application, the validation messages and tool tips content are now uniform and in proper format. Admin
Fixed In Vendor, the GST number issue has been fixed. Admin
Fixed To add img alt attribute into all the images in Admin. Admin
Fixed To show special price and discount price in widgets. Store
Fixed Proper implementation of currency format in all pages. Store
Fixed Based on chosen colour palate, the grid view icon, sort tab, header search icon colour changes. Store
Fixed In pagination, on clicking refresh, the User Active in a particular page in product list page and then clicking on back or Refresh button, the again land in the same page from where they navigated. Store
Fixed Post question and answer time is now available to see. Store
Updated In CMS > Banners, in the list page, the status of active and inactive has been brought. Admin
Updated Customer Product View history page design has now been updated. Store
Updated In sales report, the export feature is added. Admin & Vendor
Updated In Catalog > Add Catalog, the parent field drop down is now a search option. Admin
Updated Through out the application, the validation messages appear in proper format and the tool tip format is uniform. Vendor
Updated Adding the img alt attribute into all the images in vendor panel. Vendor
Updated The UI of the Admin Settings has been completely enhanced and it has been integrated. Admin
Updated In all the modules, on multiple selection of items from list page, the drop-down design with export and delete option has been changed. Admin
Updated In the entire application, the drop-down field design has been changed. Conversion and upgraded to Angular 12. Admin

Version 4.5 Change Log Jun 2021

Added We have introduced the new feature of Audit log to see each record of every action performed by different Admin user in the Control Panel. Admin
Added We have changed the entire design and UI of Admin Settings to make it more systematic and user friendly. Admin
Added We have brought the new feature of Product Question & Answers in Vendor that was available only in Admin before. Vendor
Added We have followed and implemented the principles and rules of OWASP that is established by the Industry's leading research and standards on security vulnerabilities. Platform
Added We have changed the entire theme, look and feel and UI of the Storefront to bring a better shopping experience for the Customers. Store
Fixed In Admin, under Vendor the keyword search issue has been fixed. Admin
Fixed Wish list icon color change issue in quick view is fixed. Store
Fixed Review name overlapping issue in Vendor detail page has been fixed. Store
Fixed On giving language change, some of the words that were not getting translated and now this issue has been fixed. Store
Fixed Sort option in Price low to high and high to low issue has been fixed. Store
Updated Under catalog and in category list page, the sort order filters and based on status filtering has been brought. Admin
Updated We have added filtering based on brands, along with other existing filters. Admin
Updated In the vendor list, any keyword search based on name, company, country, mail id, the filtering option works. Admin
Updated The Wishlist page will show the rating and review counts for products now. Store
Updated In product comparison, the selected products’ comparison icon’s color changes now. Store
Updated On selecting a different color in the layout, the ‘Add to Cart’ button’s color matches the selected color now. Store
Updated In the product list page, a two-line description of the product has been brought now. Store
Updated We have brought the autocomplete feature in Search - with the given keyword, the entire list of products with keyword in the title gets displayed. Store
Updated In the color pallete, an additional color of yellow has been included. Store
Updated Enhanced Product Zoom feature has been implemented. Store

Version 4.4 Change Log March 2021

Added Attribute groups can be created and the common features of a particular product can be managed within that group. Admin
Added Attributes can be added and managed under different attribute group. Admin
Added The added attributes in the Admin will be displayed in the Product detail page, for the Customers to view. Admin
Added Widgets - Different widgets like best deals in mobile phones, Women's day special, and so on can be created and products can be mapped to them. Admin
Added Custom filters - The Admin can decide and add custom filters to the products and filters can be variants and attributes. Admin
Fixed Catalog - Add Product - While adding a product the issue of variants not responding has been fixed now. Admin
Fixed Service Category - While editing a category, the edited data was not reflecting in the list page and it is fixed. Admin
Fixed Header - The total categories count was not showing and now it is fixed. Admin
Fixed Services- The issue of not able to add services is fixed now. Admin
Fixed Vendor Payment Header Count-The issue of total vendor count not showing is fixed now. Admin
Fixed Payment - The date of payment was not showing and now it is fixed. Admin
Fixed Blogs - Header Active and Inactive Order and Color has been corrected now. Admin
Fixed Auto Refresh was not happening in Catalog Page and count was not refreshing and now fixed. Admin
Fixed Vendor filter was not working and now it is fixed. Admin
Fixed Marketplace - While adding products selected category was not showing in right side column and now it is fixed. Admin
Fixed Auto Refresh is not happening in cancel request page and count was not refreshing and now it is fixed. Admin
Fixed Market Place- In the total sales report, the range of ‘From’ and ‘To’ is working now. Admin
Fixed In product comparison, when products are added to cart Store
Fixed Added Product is not shown in Vendor Detail Page Store
Fixed Review Name getting overlapped in Vendor Detail Page Store
Fixed Dashboard - Recent Order and Recent Sales Timing has to be corrected Vendor
Fixed Delivery Location - On clicking the Import Data showing server Vendor
Fixed Archive Order - Order Id is not shown and Timing has to be corrected Vendor
Fixed Invoice - Given Tax amount is not reflected in Invoice Vendor
Fixed Archive Payment - Id is not shown and Timing has to be corrected Vendor
Updated Customer -Add Group->CHANGE the Popup Message as Group Created Successfully Admin
Updated While Adding Coupon Toast Message has to be corrected “Coupon Created/Added Successfully” Admin
Updated Customer -Add Group->Bread Crumbs Change the Add Status to Add Group Admin

Version 4.3 Change Log December 2020

Added SKU Configuration based on Product Variants by adding SKU prefix. Admin & Vendor
Added Inventory and Stock update for each SKU under a product. Admin
Added Discounts for each SKU separately and this can be applied only after approval of product from the Admin. Admin & Vendor
Added Special price for each SKU separately and this can be applied only after approval of product from the Admin. Admin & Vendor
Added Tier pricing for each SKU under a product and this can be done only after approval of product from the Admin. Admin
Added Category based dynamic filters. Store
Added Different page groups can be created and under each page group, different pages can be added. For example, a page group ‘About’ can have pages about Founders, brand, etc and a page group, ‘Policies’ can have T&C, Privacy Policy, etc. Admin
Added Multiple addresses can be added with different shipping address and different billing address. Store
Added The Admin can update the settlement status after the vendor settlement is done. Admin
Added The Vendor can view the settlement status as and when the Marketplace Admin updates. Vendor
Added Sales by Vendor, Total Sales Report and Settlement Report can be generated. Reports
Added Different Invoices for different Vendor purchases. Vendor
Added The CMS pages categorized under page groups. Store
Added The Customer can filter products by selecting multiple brands at a time. Store
Added Order Invoice List with a provision for download. Vendor
Fixed While resetting the brand filters, the paginator issue has been fixed. Store
Fixed Session handling issue has been fixed. Store
Fixed The duplicate entry issue in payment status has been fixed. Store
Fixed Pin code availability enabling has been added under the data section in Admin Control panel. Admin
Fixed Coupon code error has been fixed in update coupon code. Store
Fixed On clicking enter in coupon code section, the product disappearing issue has been fixed. Store
Fixed Error message revised while removing product from cart. Store
Fixed Cart clearing issue after logout has been fixed. Store
Fixed In the Sales Orders screen, sub total has been split up into basic price and tax and now the subtotal with split up of Basic Price and Tax is showing. Vendor
Fixed Tracking and settlements for each Sub-Order. Vendor
Fixed The inactivation of review issue has been fixed. Admin
Fixed The products for which order is not completed was showing in monthly sales report and recently sold product earlier and this issue has been fixed. Vendor
Updated Product list page design has been enhanced. Store
Updated Product detail page design has been completely changed and enhanced. Store
Updated Completely enhanced with About, Reviews, overall rating, and products. Vendor
Updated Mini Cart Page has been added. Store
Updated Customer can enter GST number while checking out. Store
Updated Storefront has been made fully responsive. Store
Updated Wish list page has been enhanced with new design. Store
Updated HSN code field added in product add page. Vendor
Updated Related products order issue has been fixed. Store
Updated The related products is being shown along with the SKU number. Store
Updated The category and sub category levels are also shown in related products categories. Store
Updated The product quick view feature has been redesigned. Store
Updated The Customer sign up form has separate fields for first name and last name now. Store
Updated After an order has been placed, an email notification is sent to the Vendor. Vendor
Updated In Settings, under Company profile, more fields have been added along with provision for entering GST number. Vendor
Updated The issue of updating status for one sub-order, the status of all the sub-orders by default getting changed to the same is fixed now. Admin

Version 4.2 Change Log July 2020

Added The Customer can cancel a particular item in the order, after placing the order Store
Added View the list of cancel requests, filter them and take an action of accept or reject. They can also take action for bulk requests and export and import the request lists. Admin
Added Vendors can view the list of cancel requests, filter them and take an action of accept or reject. They can also take action for bulk requests and export and import the request lists. Vendor
Added The Admin can update inventory and configure getting alerts for running out of stock, and also update minimum and maximum quantity allowed in cart for order and other related features. Admin
Added The Customer can request for quotation for bulk purchae and they can fill in a form to give their requirement. Store
Added The Customer can view the list of quotation requests in their accounts. Store
Added The Admin can view the list of quotation requests and also view the Customer information for follow up. Admin
Added The Vendor can view the list of quotation requests and also view the Customer information for follow up. Vendor
Added The Admin can enable tier price and give different pricing per product option for different quantity for purchase. Admin
Added The Customer can view the tier price chart in the product detail page. Store
Fixed The product was not getting deleted from the list and it is now fixed. Admin
Fixed Earlier the edited category was getting stored as new category. Now it is fixed and category is getting edited and it is reflecting. Admin
Fixed Earlier on editing the value of the coupon, the value was getting disappeared and now it is fixed. Admin
Fixed If an image is not added while adding the product, in Store, the Customer can see a default image. Store
Fixed Allocated Delivery person was not getting saved earlier and now it is fixed. Vendor
Fixed In Admin, in localization section, while adding zone, the country is getting reflected correctly. Admin
Fixed The filter issue in categories is fixed and now on selecting a filter, the particular filter gets highlighted. Store
Fixed In Store, when a main category is clicked the appropriate sub-categories are getting displayed. Store
Updated The Vendor can view the graphical representation for different order status updates for different orders Vendor
Updated The Vendor can archive an order, view the archived list, and also individually export and also export all as bulk data. Vendor
Updated The Vendor can archive a payment, view the archived list, and also individually export and also export all as bulk data. Vendor
Updated In Admin, in the sales section, the payments can be archived and they can also see the archived list. Admin
Updated In Admin, in the payment section, the Admin can also individually export or bulk export all the archived payment list. Admin
Updated In store, for categories search and filter, the brad crumbs is getting displayed correctly in product detail page. Store
Updated In Admin, while adding product, in data section, they can update the Manufacturer by selecting from the drop down. Admin
Updated In Vendor, while adding product, they can also select the Manufacturer of the product. Vendor

Version 4.1 Change Log April 2020

Added Admin can add Q & A for giving more information on products. Admin
Added Enhanced method of Admin Roles, Permissions and Module access. Admin
Added Customers can ask questions about a product. Store
Added Customers can also answer questions on products that they have purchased. Store
Added Report abuse features for irrelevant and inappropriate content in Product Q&A. Store
Added Bulk product import options for adding multiple products at once. Admin
Updated The display of list of products posted by Vendor has been changed to grid view. Store
Fixed Order status update by Admin and Vendor, reflects appropriately in 'My Order History' of the Customer. Store
Fixed Applied discount coupon by the Customer, reflects as the deducted amount from the MRP of the product and shows net amount. Store
Fixed The pagination issue in the category section fixed. Admin
Fixed The issue in the coupon creation section is fixed. Vendor
Fixed In invoice, the tax amount can also be shown, along with the product price. Store
Fixed While sending email notification with product purchase invoice, tax amount can also be shown. Store

Version 4.0 Change Log March 2020

Added Marketplace-Vendor Management-The Admin can add a Vendor or also approve a signed-up Vendor. They can edit Vendor details and make them active/in-active. Admin
Added Marketplace-Vendor Products management-The Admin can add product and edit details. They can approve products added by Vendors. Admin
Added Marketplace-Vendor Settings-The Admin has to assign a category to the Vendor and set product based commission to each product of the Vendor. Admin
Added Marketplace-Order Management-The Admin can change order status for the placed orders - in progress, completed, packed, dispatched. Admin
Added Marketplace-Payments Magagement-The Admin can view the total amount from a product sale, the commission deducted the net amount and download invoice. Admin
Added Tax mangement-The Admin can configure different types of taxes with name and percentage. They can either select a pre-configured tax or enter an amount for deduction. Admin
Updated Order change status based on sub order-For an order placed, the Admin can change order status - in-progress, completed, dispatched and so on. Admin
Added Customer - Export to Excel Data-The Admin can export the list of Customers and their details into an excel sheet. Admin
Added Products - Bulk Export Option -Admin can upload bulk products using excel. Admin
Added Sales- Add Shipping Information -To enable tracking of shipped order for Customers, the Admin can enter the shipment tracking URL and Id. Admin
Added Vendor Registration-The Vendor can register and sign up through the Store Front. Vendor
Added Vendor Login-After approval from the Admin, the Vendor can sign into their Portal. Vendor
Added Products Management-The Vendor can add a product and manage products and also make a product active or in-active. Vendor
Added Products - Earnings-Vendors can view the earnings from a product. They can view the quantity sold and the total amount earned. Vendor
Added Delivery Management - Vendors can add delivery persons and delivery locations, to which they can ship products. They can also bulk import delivery locations. Vendor
Added Order Management - Vendors can view the list of orders and the recent orders. They can update order status - order placed, order confirmed, order delivered. Vendor
Added Payments Management - Vendors can view the payment details for the order, with the total amount, deducted commission and net amount and download invoice. Vendor
Added Coupon Management - Vendors can create a coupon along with title, percentage of discount, the product category and the minimum purchase amount. Vendor
Added Dashboard - Dashboard that gives a glance of number of products listed, number of orders, total sales and revenue, and more. Vendor
Added My Account settings - The Vendor can update their profile with company details and upload their business documents. They can also change password from here. Vendor
Added Bulk Price Updates - The Vendor can upload prices of the products in bulk, including default price, special price and discount price and its start date and end date. Vendor
Added Qucik and drag and Drop order status updates - A new drag and drop feature for updating order status - order placed, order confirmed, order delivered and so on. Vendor
Added Pin code based product Availability - While checking out, the Customer has to verify the pin code to check if product can be delivered. Website
Added Coupan Code Integration - The Customer can apply a coupon and avail discount or price reduction on the product Website
Updated Cart saved in database - The added items to the cart will be saved in the database. Website
Updated SEO Based URL - The URLs of the webste are all SEO friendly. Website
Updated Additional three Payment Gateway - Additionally, three payment gateways, with three payment methods Website
Updated Price with Tax calulation - Final price of the product with tax deduction will be shown. Website
Updated Order Tracking - The Customer can track the order based on the order status updated by the Admin or the Vendor. Website
Updated My order deisgn Changes - The design of the 'My Orders' page is enhanced with track order and order details buttons. Website
Added Vendor Pages - An exclusive page for Vendors with their profile details. Website
Updated New Deisgn Invoice Changes - A new and improved design for invoice. Website
Updated Add Product Price Splitup - The Admin can see the price split up of the product that includes MRP, shipping cost and taxes. Website

Version 3.0 Change Log September 2019

Added Social media login is implemented in store Store
Added Payment via Paypal while doing checkout in store Store
Added Implemented SpurtConnect for social login and third party Payment Gateway in admin. Implemented SpurtConnect for social login and third party Payment Gateway in admin Admin
Added PWA in store Store
Added Product Compare in store Store
Added Guest user checkout is implemented in store Store
Added Multi currency is implemented in admin Admin
Fixed Email is not sent for the Newly User/Customer Admin
Fixed Store-Price Range is not retrieving the data as choosen and not User friendly. Store
Fixed Wish list count is not showing for Today Deals and Featured Product. Store
Fixed Localization-Able to add a language without image,If we add image its showing image is required. Admin
Fixed In Store- After download receipt to view receipt dollar or Rupee icon is missing. Store
Fixed Store - Search in the store not retrieving the exact data. Store
Fixed Inactive Brand is displayed in add product. Admin
Fixed In admin Rating and Review Image is not displaying. Admin
Fixed Localization-Country -Inactive status is not responding. Admin
Fixed Admin -Breadcrumbs are static across the pages in Admin. Admin
Fixed Same Product is ordered more than a time , recent selling product is not showing the image. Admin
Fixed Rating and Review -Reset button not working properly. Admin
Fixed In store home page manufacturers click not working. Store
Fixed Categories Reset filters is not working. Admin
Fixed Store- Price is not calculated correctly for a Product having Multiple Option Enabled. Store
Fixed Admin-Sales -Order -Guest Account information is not displayed while Viewing the Order. Admin
Fixed Updated Address is not listed in the Address list. Store
Fixed Delete option is not available for Role and User in admin. Admin
Fixed Delete option is not available for Order. Admin
Fixed Store - Not able to unfavourite the wishlist icon. Store
Fixed Store-Condition- On clicking the New and Used is not retrieving data. Store
Fixed Store- Rating as to be recalculated when rating is made inactive in admin. Store
Fixed In admin, loggedin user should not delete their own account. Admin
Fixed Add country is not adding an Item. Admin
Fixed Admin not receiving mail while placing order and contactUs. Admin
Fixed Only Active Product and Active Customer should be displayed in dashboard count. Admin

Version 2.2 Change Log September 2019

Added Enable or disable the status in country master in admin. Admin
Added Order status can be searched from the order list in admin. Admin
Added Admin profile image is shown in the header in admin. Admin
Added Country flag with language can be seen in the Language dropdown in store. Store
Added New home page design has been implemented in store. Store
Added Based on user selection, category field has been highlighted in store. Store
Fixed Storage of images has been implemented both in local environment and S3 in admin. Admin
Fixed Change password screen has been integrated inside the application in admin. Admin

Version 2.1 Change Log September 2019

Added Getting Content dynamically from Email template table for sending Emails. Admin
Added Related products while adding product in admin side. Admin
Added Color code, while adding order status. Admin
Added Order status name and color code, while showing order List in admin. Admin
Added Customer detail page. Admin
Added Search folder, and Deleting Image in s3 and local (Image manager). Admin
Added Option to add Multi-Language. Admin
Added Default image while adding product in admin, which will reflect in store product list and admin product list. Admin
Added Meta Tag, Meta Title, Meta Tag Description in admin, which will reflect in store products' pages, other pages and home page Admin
Added CK Editor for descriptions in admin. Admin
Added Multi Category. Admin
Added Default data (seeds), while migrating database Admin
Fixed Error that was occurring while re-sizing image. Admin
Fixed DB error. Admin
Fixed Earlier, while creating new customer in admin, email was not getting sent and this has been fixed. Admin
Fixed Earlier, search product was not working in store and this has been fixed. Store