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Seller's Coupons

Discover the rich array of features offered by Spurtcommerce Marketplace Solution through an in-depth walkthrough. Uncover its seamless functionality and intuitive workflow, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for eCommerce Administrators, Vendors and Customers.

Boost sales and reward your customers with the Add Coupon Addon, allowing sellers to create and manage customized discount codes for their products and services.

Usage Limits and Expiration: Set how many times a user can use the coupon and define the validity period to manage promotions effectively.

Manage Cart Application: Apply coupons to all items in the cart or define how many items it should apply to, giving full control over how discounts are distributed.

Control Discount Conditions: Specify the minimum and maximum purchase amounts, choose applicable products, and set usage limits for each coupon.

Flexible Coupon Creation: Sellers can create coupons with customizable options like coupon code, name, and type (percentage or fixed amount).