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Spurtcommerce Marketplace - Seller Chat

Discover the rich array of features offered by Spurtcommerce Marketplace Solution through an in-depth walkthrough. Uncover its seamless functionality and intuitive workflow, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for eCommerce Administrators, Vendors and Customers.

Enhance communication between the admin and sellers with the real-time chat feature, allowing for seamless interaction and notifications.


Seller Profile Display: While chatting, admins can view seller details, such as their profile, seller group, and display name, for better context during conversations.

Intuitive Chat Window for Seamless Interaction: The chat interface is designed for ease of use, allowing users to navigate conversations effortlessly.

Searchable Seller List: Admins can easily search for a seller based on group, company, or other criteria and start a conversation.

Notifications for Both Parties: Both admin and sellers receive notifications when there’s a new message, ensuring timely responses.

Real-Time Messaging: Admins and sellers can exchange messages in real-time, improving communication and resolving issues quickly.