Spurtcommerce has established 12 Rules and proper flow during the Development

Spurtcommerce, an open-source e-commerce platform, has established 12 development rules and a proper flow to ensure the smooth and efficient development of e-commerce websites.
Raja moorthy
July 03, 2020 3389 Views 8 Min Read

A good work is as important as a good planning. And, this is the best quote that I can think of as of now, as far as this article is concerned. Project planning and structuring is important. However, executing the project in the best manner, with implications of all the coding and architecture standards is the key. I would say, this is one of the most difficult stages of development and at the same time, the most significant too.


A poor architecture can ruin the entire project, resulting in:




Keeping the above mentioned points in mind, my team and I decided that the architecture in Spurtcommerce is highly important. I would like to list out a few points to say that the architecture we have used in Spurtcommerce is the best:






Check the below Link for More Detailed 
